Dr Jitoko Cama

Growing up on an island in the eastern part of Fiji; witnessing the struggle that Islanders face in accessing good health and education; and seeing the respect given to medical personnel visiting the island were my inspirations to become a doctor.
Experiencing the challenges of providing health care in low resource settings as a local surgeon motivated me to further my training as a specialist in paediatric surgery. Investing in my family goals particularly my children’s future made my decision to work in Hamilton easier.
My passion for surgery and empathy for families with sick children are what drives me to come to work each day. I strive to do my best to allow every child I manage to have as good a quality of life as is humanly possible, and bring some happiness and relief to the parents and family once recovery is complete.
Some conditions are more challenging than others, so having a Christian background, I take comfort that once I have done my best for a patient and have reached my limits as a surgeon, I can still rely on God to make that child complete.
And even though I am based in Hamilton, I still provide assistance to Fiji and the pacific as and when needed through paediatric surgical service delivery, training and mentoring of aspiring surgeons in the pacific through the support of various organisations.